The Blissfield Area Food Pantry is a cooperative ministry of congregations in and around
Blissfield, MI.
It is housed at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 306 E. Jefferson Street, Blissfield, MI 49228
To obtain food assistance, you will schedule a Thursday appointment to pick up your food bags from the
food pantry, by CALLING 517-486–1457 between 8am-12pm on Monday and Tuesday ONLY!
If you call after 12pm on Tuesday, leave a message, your call be returned or please call back.
Appointments for food pick up are on Thursday between 9 and 11am.
Please call 517-486-1457 to schedule an appointment, Monday or Tuesday from 8am-12pm for Thursday
pickup that week. Voicemail is always available, and your call will be returned.
You may also consider calling 211 for other assistance.